Who's behind this blog?

I thought it may be useful to write something about who write this blog.

First of all, I would like to underline that this blog is in NO way intended for marketing purpose of our firm. It is mostly a place where anyone of us can write whatever he/she wants and make it public.

Quite appropriate I guess
Secondly, nobody here at Traducendo is English mother tongue. We are all Italians, we write in English only because it's more widely understood around the world.

Thirdly, nobody revise the posts. The reason is that nobody wants to advertise Traducendo Ltd, but just to express oneself.

I understand that it looks like a corporate blog, but it isn't. Please consider it only as a showcase where the 3 splendid Traducendos write whatever pass through their mind.

We know that our written English is terribly poor (this is why we would never translate into English ourselves), we beg to have some understanding and to enjoy the contents of the blog more then the form. If however, you would like to oppose, criticise any of this blog contents and you cannot find any better argument than the low quality of our English, well, I have very bad news for you!!!

All comments are always welcome, so please, do not hesitate to write anything you want in the replies of our blog!

Thanks a lot for following!!

Gabriele, Irene & Antonella


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