Goodbye El Palmar! Hello Montefiascone

Once again we are moving.

This time destination is Italy.

We are going back home you may say, even though, after 11 years around Europe, home is something very difficult to define.
Home, in the last decade, has been the place where we were living, might it be Brussels, Barcelona, London, Ibiza, Berlin or Singapore. Home has been the place where we have found an internet connection and a power supply to work. And we have worked from everywhere. Bars, restaurants, clubs, sport centers, schools, universities, libraries, airports, seaports. My BA final thesis has been half written in Charles de Gaulle, Paris, airport and half in the Calle Pelayo Starbuck's in Barcelona.
All this to say that also this time we are moving to somewhere we will consider home and Traducendo will come with us. Nomad as it was born.

So, we are closing de El Palmar office (actually Irene already left, destination Granada for her), and we are about to open in Montefiascone, Viterbo, Italy.

The spirit will remain the same, the approach to work will remain the same, only thing that will change is the location. No more ocean, but lake.

You will tell us if it has been a good idea.

As usual, feel free to follow us, fell free to write us and feel free to step by  to visit us. Traducendo's doors are always open to our collaborators and clients.

We wish you all the best and we promise that we will try to keep this blog a bit more "lively".

Goodbye El Palmar

Hello Montefiascone!


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