
Showing posts from August, 2013

Some thoughts

It’s summer, at least in the northern hemisphere, and you are probably sun tanning on the beach, while here at Traducendo we work! But it’s ok. It’s ok because we can take this chance to talk about something that we love and now you will have the time to listen to us about it. Let’s talk about Europe. Europe for us is the next frontier of the human race, is 28 countries coming, step by step, together in order to create something bigger. It’s a monument to peace, friendship, brotherhood (and sisterhood to be fair). We believe in a continent-state able to absorb all the characteristics of each of the countries composing it and in the same time keep all the diversities alive. Europe is a different answer to globalization. That’s why we suffer so much seeing the bad turn things have taken here around EU. With this post we call to all Europeans and to all people around the world interested in the EU project to stand up and rise and say that EU should still be a flag for